I have heard and in fact know some people whose cause of death was 'he/she just slumped and died' .This cause of death keep occurring, more often in most cases you hear people saying, 'i was with him (her) this morning, nothing was wrong with him oooo', or she wasn't sick, just like that she slumped, next thing we heard she is dead.
There are two most ignored and undiagnosed common reason for this slumped and died cause of death. Millions of people daily are just too busy chasing their daily bread and paying little or no attention to their health.
Most common cause is hypertension and next to it is high blood glucose- DIABETES.
Quite a number of people live with undiagnosed diabetes and (or) hypertension. They suffer without paying any attention until 'he just slump and died' becomes the case.
Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to heart damage, stroke and eventually death. Diabetes when not diagnosed or properly controlled can lead to complications such as heart problem, foot ulcer which may result to amputation, eye problem, lack of general response to medication, kidney problem, stroke and at the long run death.
Early diagnosis and proper management of this diseases save life. All it takes to stay checked is to walk into any good health facility and have your blood glucose level and your blood pressure checked.