Wednesday, 26 July 2017


Diabetes is grouped into 2 types:
1.Type 1: This is also called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile diabetes. It is common in children. It is usually caused by the inability of the pancrease to produce insulin.

2. Type 2: Non-insulin dependent diabetes, this type is common in adults. This occurs either as a result of the pancrease not been able to produce enough insulin or the body cells are not making use of the insulin.

3. Gestational diabetes: this is the type of glucose impairment that sets in during pregnancy. It usually resolves after delivery. Those who had gestational diabetes are likely to have type 2 diabetes in future.

Contraly to what a lot of people believe, sugar is not the main cause of diabetes. Sugar only make diabetes worse but not a cause.

Type 1 diabetes is as a result of the inability of the body to produce the hormone INSULIN which is the key that opens up the body cells to enable them use insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by the inability of the body cells to use the INSULIN or the insulin produce is too little.

INSULIN is produced by the Beta cells in the islets of the Langerhan in the pancrease.