Saturday, 1 September 2018
Saturday, 7 July 2018
Warning signs of diabetes complication
*photo: viewers digression is advised
Diabetes is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, blindness and amputation in adults.
Warning signs of diabetes complications are:
1. Eye problems eg blur vision or flashes
2. Tingling or numbness on your feet and hands.
3. Wounds or sores that don't easily heal
4. Chest pain
5. Tiredness
What can you do?
Keeping your blood glucose as normal as possible is the best way to avoid complications.
In cases where the complication have developed already, lowering your blood glucose level will help prevent further progression of the complication.
Monday, 25 June 2018
Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction.
Quite a number of people who have erectile dysfunction don't want to talk about it, not even to a health care provider.
Erectile dysfunction is to mean the inability of the penis to achieve firm and sustained erection, sufficient to sexual intercourse.
Put in broken English, erectile dysfunction na when penis no stand well enough during sex.
Premature ejaculation is different from erectile dysfunction. That you experienced occasional erection problem is not to mean you have erectile dysfunction, but it could get worst if not checked.
Men who have diabetes and above the age of 40 are at the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.
Causes of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes are:
- blood vessel damage
- nerve damage
-low testosterone
*cardiovascular disease and neuropathy are risk factors for erectile dysfunction.
Other causes of erectile dysfunction are:
*Medications for treating high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, depression and anxiety.
* Stress
Your health care provider may ask you to see a neurologist. Test that can be conducted are:
- Drug test: this involve injecting drugs into the penis to check if the cause is blood vessel damage related.
Prevention of erectile dysfunction
*Keep your blood glucose level close to normal as possible
* Quite smoking
* Quit or reduce alcohol intake
*Stress therapy
*Testosterone injections
Some supplements have been found to be very helpful though they are quite expensive.
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Can a child have diabetes?
O yeah, diabetes can occur at any stage of life. The type of diabetes that occur in children is called type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes.
After asthma, diabetes is the second most common chronic disease in children- American Diabetes Association.
People with type 1 diabetes are unable to produce insulin (the substances that unlocks the body cells so they can take up glucose from the blood stream), therefore glucose pile up in the blood, causing diabetes.
1. Extreme thirst
2. Extreme hunger
3. Blurred vision
4. Frequent urination
5. Tiredness
Scientists are of the opinion that the cause of this lack of insulin is because, for some unknown reasons, the body's immune system in these patients sees the cells (islets of Langerhans in the pancrease) where insulin is produced as foreign body and begin to destroy it, this destruction may take months or years.
Risk factors include:
1. Family history and gene
2. Drugs and chemicals
3. Viruses
4. Race and ethnicity
5. Auto antibodies
Most kids just like adults are not diagnosed early, some even go into coma as a result of very high glucose levels.
People with type 1 diabetes usually get very ill if their diabetes are not well managed.
Management, unlike type 2 depends largely on insulin therapy. Exercise and nutrition also compliments the insulin here.
Contrarily to type 2, juvenile diabetes cannot be prevented. If your child is having any symptoms of diabetes, in addition to the regular malaria and typhoid test in hospitals, let him or her take a #bloodglucosetest, it helps.
After asthma, diabetes is the second most common chronic disease in children- American Diabetes Association.
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Photo: Know your blood glucose level campaign, April 2011 at Akwanga, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. |
1. Extreme thirst
2. Extreme hunger
3. Blurred vision
4. Frequent urination
5. Tiredness
Scientists are of the opinion that the cause of this lack of insulin is because, for some unknown reasons, the body's immune system in these patients sees the cells (islets of Langerhans in the pancrease) where insulin is produced as foreign body and begin to destroy it, this destruction may take months or years.
Risk factors include:
1. Family history and gene
2. Drugs and chemicals
3. Viruses
4. Race and ethnicity
5. Auto antibodies
Most kids just like adults are not diagnosed early, some even go into coma as a result of very high glucose levels.
People with type 1 diabetes usually get very ill if their diabetes are not well managed.
Management, unlike type 2 depends largely on insulin therapy. Exercise and nutrition also compliments the insulin here.
Contrarily to type 2, juvenile diabetes cannot be prevented. If your child is having any symptoms of diabetes, in addition to the regular malaria and typhoid test in hospitals, let him or her take a #bloodglucosetest, it helps.
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
Most times when people hear 'bring your urine' they think of pregnancy test or infection. While this is correct, that urine can be used for testing pregnancy or infection, I like you to know that's not the only thing you can test urine for. Urine can also be used for culture to identify bacteria or can be screened for many other parameters.
Urinalysis as it is medically called is a simple way of screening the urine for some actors of medical importance. These actors include:
1. Blood: finding blood in the urine of a woman may not pose any medical threat if she is menstruating. Blood in urine can indicate an infection or other problem with the kidney.
2. Glucose: when found in urine, this is not a diagnosis for diabetes. We Will trash this in our next blog. But sometimes little glucose in urine is not a great source of worry, like other parameters when present it is an indication for further test especially blood glucose test.
3. Protein: an indication for either infection, hypertension, liver or kidney problem.
4. Leucocyte: these are white blood cells. Their presence in urine calls for urine culture.
5. Ketone: I refer to this test as a glucose starvation indicator. Ketone bodies are the by product release when the body uses fat as an alternative source of energy in the absence of glucose. This is evident in starvation, prolonged exercise, low carbohydrate intake or in diabetes (due to lack of uptake of glucose from the blood).
6. Bilirubin: indicator of problem with the red blood cells (in jaundice) or the liver.
7. Urobilinogen: same as bilirubin indicating problem with the liver or jaundice(there are different types of jaundice as a result of its different causes). Also urobilinogen presence in urine can be as a result of treatment with drugs that acidify urine.
*Normally the urine contain little amount of urobilinogen, but positive urinalysis test for urobilinogen and bilirubin calls for liver function test and of course other test such as hepatitis test and blood count.
Other parameters in urinalysis are:
8. Ascorbic acid
9. PH
10. Specific gravity
Most times when people hear 'bring your urine' they think of pregnancy test or infection. While this is correct, that urine can be used for testing pregnancy or infection, I like you to know that's not the only thing you can test urine for. Urine can also be used for culture to identify bacteria or can be screened for many other parameters.
Urinalysis as it is medically called is a simple way of screening the urine for some actors of medical importance. These actors include:
1. Blood: finding blood in the urine of a woman may not pose any medical threat if she is menstruating. Blood in urine can indicate an infection or other problem with the kidney.
2. Glucose: when found in urine, this is not a diagnosis for diabetes. We Will trash this in our next blog. But sometimes little glucose in urine is not a great source of worry, like other parameters when present it is an indication for further test especially blood glucose test.
3. Protein: an indication for either infection, hypertension, liver or kidney problem.
4. Leucocyte: these are white blood cells. Their presence in urine calls for urine culture.
5. Ketone: I refer to this test as a glucose starvation indicator. Ketone bodies are the by product release when the body uses fat as an alternative source of energy in the absence of glucose. This is evident in starvation, prolonged exercise, low carbohydrate intake or in diabetes (due to lack of uptake of glucose from the blood).
6. Bilirubin: indicator of problem with the red blood cells (in jaundice) or the liver.
7. Urobilinogen: same as bilirubin indicating problem with the liver or jaundice(there are different types of jaundice as a result of its different causes). Also urobilinogen presence in urine can be as a result of treatment with drugs that acidify urine.
*Normally the urine contain little amount of urobilinogen, but positive urinalysis test for urobilinogen and bilirubin calls for liver function test and of course other test such as hepatitis test and blood count.
Other parameters in urinalysis are:
8. Ascorbic acid
9. PH
10. Specific gravity
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Make every time PLEASURABLE.
Recently I participated in the last world TB and HIV Day events. Attractive gifts was given out, the most attractive gift in that package for some people was the #sexlubricant.
They keep asking what its used for.
So who else on this platform don't know what sex lubricants are? I will tell you;
For the purpose of our cultural and moral values I will limit this write up to only SEX LUBRICANT USES FOR VAGINAL INTERCOURSE. (Understood?)
So what are sex lubricants?
They are specialized agents used for the purpose of reducing friction or to aid easy penetration during sexual contact. There are various forms this products are made from, it could be oil base, water based or silicone based.
These are considered the best because they are water soluble meaning they are easily dissolved in water. This quality makes water based lubricants easy to wash after the show.
These include lubricants such as petroleum jelly. It is usually recommended for those who don't have need for condom because oil based lubricants can cause breakage of the condom due to loss of elasticity of the latex.
I remembered one of those sections during my marriage counseling, someone narrated how a married woman was always complaining about pain and bruises resulting from dryness, and she asked;
1.Must someone always do it just because she is married?
2. What if am not in the mood?
Well if you (women ), agree with me, our default lubricant (saliva) does not really do a good job, thus reason for bruises. Lubricants do not only wet the environ but also turn you on into fiery mood.
Method of its application is not defined. Apply it the way it will suit you, but believe me you should only use it when you have need for it.
A lot of people have wrong notion about sex lubricants, men in most cases feel younger women should be sexually active and so don't require any form of lubrication- wrong!
There are many reasons why you may not have a pleasurable time, for example: tiredness, lack of arousal, emotional Stress, anxiety, financial issues, chronic alignment( like diabetes), fertility sample production (the only masturbation i excuse for men) and so many others. Sex lubricants also help women who are in their menopause. Good lubricants will do a good job if strategically applied, so suffering and smiling is unnecessary.
I will draw my curtain here, leave questions and contributions in the comment box.
They keep asking what its used for.
So who else on this platform don't know what sex lubricants are? I will tell you;
For the purpose of our cultural and moral values I will limit this write up to only SEX LUBRICANT USES FOR VAGINAL INTERCOURSE. (Understood?)
So what are sex lubricants?
They are specialized agents used for the purpose of reducing friction or to aid easy penetration during sexual contact. There are various forms this products are made from, it could be oil base, water based or silicone based.
These are considered the best because they are water soluble meaning they are easily dissolved in water. This quality makes water based lubricants easy to wash after the show.
These include lubricants such as petroleum jelly. It is usually recommended for those who don't have need for condom because oil based lubricants can cause breakage of the condom due to loss of elasticity of the latex.
I remembered one of those sections during my marriage counseling, someone narrated how a married woman was always complaining about pain and bruises resulting from dryness, and she asked;
1.Must someone always do it just because she is married?
2. What if am not in the mood?
Well if you (women ), agree with me, our default lubricant (saliva) does not really do a good job, thus reason for bruises. Lubricants do not only wet the environ but also turn you on into fiery mood.
Method of its application is not defined. Apply it the way it will suit you, but believe me you should only use it when you have need for it.
A lot of people have wrong notion about sex lubricants, men in most cases feel younger women should be sexually active and so don't require any form of lubrication- wrong!
There are many reasons why you may not have a pleasurable time, for example: tiredness, lack of arousal, emotional Stress, anxiety, financial issues, chronic alignment( like diabetes), fertility sample production (the only masturbation i excuse for men) and so many others. Sex lubricants also help women who are in their menopause. Good lubricants will do a good job if strategically applied, so suffering and smiling is unnecessary.
I will draw my curtain here, leave questions and contributions in the comment box.
Sunday, 18 March 2018
Taking a FASTING blood glucose test?
See the factors that affect your results:
1. The time you ate your last meal before the test ie too early or late at the night.
2. The type of meal you ate last before the test time (is it heavy carb, light carb etc)
3. Activities you engage in during the interface before testing.
4. Eating food before the blood sample collection. Note that water, tea, soft drinks, juice etc are all considered as food for the purpose of this test.
*Fasting duration before test is 8-10hours preferably over night.
*The longer the fasting time the lower the test values and the shorter the fasting time the higher the test values, so try to observe your fasting within the stipulated range.
Have questions? Leave them as comments.
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Sex is a vital part of life. It's climax is what makes the game desirable and pleasurable.
There are lots of factors that can contribute to sexual problems in both men and women. This factors include:
- hormonal changes
- medications
- emotional issues
- diabetes
The cause of your sexual problem will determine where you can effectively get help. For example if the problem is with hormone, for women, you can go to a gynaecologist, if its emotional, a mental health doctor will be of utmost help.
In our society, people find discussing sex quite embarrassing least opening up when they have a problem. It helps as soon as you notice any changes either with sexual desire or arousal, find a health professional who can help, else it can get worse.
For the purpose of this discussion, I will focused on diabetes as a factor of sex problem.
Some sexual complications due to diabetes are peculiar to gender.
For women
Most times the sexual problem in women have to do with emotions than the actual diabetes. They feel generally unwell, worried, depressed and so not always ready for sex. When a woman is not emotionally ready for sex, she is likely not to enjoy it physically.
Lack of sexual arousal in women can be caused by :
- Lack of desire for sex
- Medications
- Depression
- Pregnancy fear
- Hormonal changes
- Vaginal infections
- Urinary tract infection
To help solve some of the problems and improve on your sexual relationship below are some tips you can try:
- You can talk to your partner and discuss some of the things that make you feel romantic and get in the mood and practice them.
- There are medication especially those used for treatment of depression that will not affect your sexual health.
- Find out from your doctor how better you can prevent pregnancy as a diabetic
- Get proper treatment for vaginal infections to prevent pains during intercourse as well as itchy vagina.
There are lots of factors that can contribute to sexual problems in both men and women. This factors include:
- hormonal changes
- medications
- emotional issues
- diabetes
The cause of your sexual problem will determine where you can effectively get help. For example if the problem is with hormone, for women, you can go to a gynaecologist, if its emotional, a mental health doctor will be of utmost help.
In our society, people find discussing sex quite embarrassing least opening up when they have a problem. It helps as soon as you notice any changes either with sexual desire or arousal, find a health professional who can help, else it can get worse.
For the purpose of this discussion, I will focused on diabetes as a factor of sex problem.
Some sexual complications due to diabetes are peculiar to gender.
For women
Most times the sexual problem in women have to do with emotions than the actual diabetes. They feel generally unwell, worried, depressed and so not always ready for sex. When a woman is not emotionally ready for sex, she is likely not to enjoy it physically.
Lack of sexual arousal in women can be caused by :
- Lack of desire for sex
- Medications
- Depression
- Pregnancy fear
- Hormonal changes
- Vaginal infections
- Urinary tract infection
To help solve some of the problems and improve on your sexual relationship below are some tips you can try:
- You can talk to your partner and discuss some of the things that make you feel romantic and get in the mood and practice them.
- There are medication especially those used for treatment of depression that will not affect your sexual health.
- Find out from your doctor how better you can prevent pregnancy as a diabetic
- Get proper treatment for vaginal infections to prevent pains during intercourse as well as itchy vagina.
Monday, 12 February 2018
Fortify your health status with medical examination. Prevention they say is better than cure. We currently live in a society where people don't value health system until they encounter a problem.
One of the things people find difficult is spending on their health especially when they perceive they are "healthy".
Some people can spend a fortune servicing their vehicle forgetting that the main vehicle (their body) need more attention. Some spend a lot of money travelling around the world in the name of holiday (not knowing that travelling itself is a stress) but can't spear a dime just to check their blood pressure.
A lot of people see health check as something that should be free therefore only spend money when their health or that of their family member(s) is deteriorating.
I agree nothing is wrong with you, but you can be more steps ahead with PREVENTIVE HEALTH CHECK.
Do you know hospital now is no longer mend for the sick and injured as the definition implies.
Checking your health status is of Paramount importance.
One of the sure way to preventing chronic disease and its complications is early diagnosis. Most diabetic and hypertensive patients are accidentally diagnosed. Do not wait to get to the hospital as a sick and injured person.
If you think you are too busy to check into a hospital facility contact us today to find out how you can get the help you need.
Email: pdfagainstdiabetes@gmail.com
One of the things people find difficult is spending on their health especially when they perceive they are "healthy".
Some people can spend a fortune servicing their vehicle forgetting that the main vehicle (their body) need more attention. Some spend a lot of money travelling around the world in the name of holiday (not knowing that travelling itself is a stress) but can't spear a dime just to check their blood pressure.
A lot of people see health check as something that should be free therefore only spend money when their health or that of their family member(s) is deteriorating.
I agree nothing is wrong with you, but you can be more steps ahead with PREVENTIVE HEALTH CHECK.
Do you know hospital now is no longer mend for the sick and injured as the definition implies.
Checking your health status is of Paramount importance.
One of the sure way to preventing chronic disease and its complications is early diagnosis. Most diabetic and hypertensive patients are accidentally diagnosed. Do not wait to get to the hospital as a sick and injured person.
If you think you are too busy to check into a hospital facility contact us today to find out how you can get the help you need.
Email: pdfagainstdiabetes@gmail.com
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Diabetics like every other person can enjoy every
healthy meal but caution must be taken to
avoid hiking the blood sugar level.
Regular mild exercise for at least 30
mins daily is important
Avoid heavy breakfast and late dinner
Dinner must be served at most by 8.oopm
Eat small portions of food and snack in
between meals
· Most importantly, your daily diets should be guided by your daily blood glucose level, high blood glucose level should go with low carbohydrate foods and vice versa.
cup of oat porridge with milk and 1 cup of moimoi with
boiled eggs
cup of milk/tea with two slices of bread and ½ avocado pear
cup of quaker oat with milk and 1 cup of moimoi, 2 boiled eggs
cup of milk/tea with 2 slices of bread and 2 pieces of fish in tomato sauce
bars of wheat biscuit with milk/ tea and 2 boiled eggs
medium size of boiled potatoes and vegetable stew with 2 pieces of fish
cup of milk/tea, 2 slices of bread and two pieces of fish in tomatoes sauce.
garden eggs
small orange
cup of pawpaw
cucumber and nuts
garden eggs
cup of pawpaw
11/2 cup of oat meal swallo with any soup 2 pieces of
lean meat or chicken
cup of unripe plantain pottage with vegetables and 1 small fish
cup of wheat swallo with soup and 2 pieces of fish
Friday, 5 January 2018
When last did you check yourself medically?
Someone once said and I quote,'What are my going to do in the hospital when am not sick'.
The big question is, are hospitals only mend for the sick? Refuse to fall into the category of, 'nothing was wrong with him, he just slumped and died'. That will not be your story in this 2018.
In this part of the world most people don't value the health sector, likewise their own health with regards to preventive medicine. They see hospital visits as a tour for the sick only. Some give reason's like, 'I never chop belleful na to go throwey moni for hospital i go do'. Too bad because when a preventable sickness come knocking, the door is already wide open and that time the money will either come out or he or she will go begging.
You don't have to be rich to take care of your health. You can do health checkup in any general hospital or healthcare center around you. Ask for general laboratory investigations to check your status. If you are thinking about the money, take advantage of the National health insurance scheme (NHIS) which helps crash cost.
The benefit of annual medical examination cannot be overemphasized. Check yourself and members of your family, if you are an employer encourage your staff to check their health status, you can pay for them to get checked, healthy workers of course is a source of increased input to achieve the output you desire.
Have you checked yourself this year?
If not, take action and prevent diseases and their possible complications.
If you are in the camp of people saying, 'I don't just go for checkup when am not sick because the doctors will always see something', if they see something, better for you, at least they saw it early, so they will make move to prevent further complications and damage.
Basic investigations you can do include:
*Blood pressure
*Blood sugar
*Liver function test
*Kidney function test
*Lipid profile
*Prostate screening (PSA for men above 40)
*Eye test
*HIV Screening
*HBsag screening (take vaccine if negative)
*Malaria test
*Widal test
We are available to offer professional help if you need one. Stay healthy this year, imbibe they culture of checking your health status.
When last did you check yourself medically?
Someone once said and I quote,'What are my going to do in the hospital when am not sick'.
The big question is, are hospitals only mend for the sick? Refuse to fall into the category of, 'nothing was wrong with him, he just slumped and died'. That will not be your story in this 2018.
In this part of the world most people don't value the health sector, likewise their own health with regards to preventive medicine. They see hospital visits as a tour for the sick only. Some give reason's like, 'I never chop belleful na to go throwey moni for hospital i go do'. Too bad because when a preventable sickness come knocking, the door is already wide open and that time the money will either come out or he or she will go begging.
You don't have to be rich to take care of your health. You can do health checkup in any general hospital or healthcare center around you. Ask for general laboratory investigations to check your status. If you are thinking about the money, take advantage of the National health insurance scheme (NHIS) which helps crash cost.
The benefit of annual medical examination cannot be overemphasized. Check yourself and members of your family, if you are an employer encourage your staff to check their health status, you can pay for them to get checked, healthy workers of course is a source of increased input to achieve the output you desire.
Have you checked yourself this year?
If not, take action and prevent diseases and their possible complications.
If you are in the camp of people saying, 'I don't just go for checkup when am not sick because the doctors will always see something', if they see something, better for you, at least they saw it early, so they will make move to prevent further complications and damage.
Basic investigations you can do include:
*Blood pressure
*Blood sugar
*Liver function test
*Kidney function test
*Lipid profile
*Prostate screening (PSA for men above 40)
*Eye test
*HIV Screening
*HBsag screening (take vaccine if negative)
*Malaria test
*Widal test
We are available to offer professional help if you need one. Stay healthy this year, imbibe they culture of checking your health status.
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