Monday, 25 June 2018

Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction.

Quite a number of people who have erectile dysfunction don't want to talk about it, not even to a health care provider.

Erectile dysfunction is to mean the inability of the penis to achieve firm and sustained erection, sufficient to sexual intercourse.
Put in broken English, erectile dysfunction na when penis no stand well enough during sex.

Premature ejaculation is different from erectile dysfunction. That you experienced occasional erection problem is not to mean you have erectile dysfunction, but it could get worst if not checked.
Men who have diabetes and above the age of 40 are at the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

Causes of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes are:
- blood vessel damage
- nerve damage
-low testosterone
*cardiovascular disease and neuropathy are risk factors for erectile dysfunction.

Other causes of erectile dysfunction are:
*Medications for treating high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, depression and anxiety.
* Stress

Your health care provider may ask you to see a neurologist. Test that can be conducted are:
- Drug test: this involve injecting drugs into the penis to check if the cause is blood vessel damage related.

Prevention of erectile dysfunction
*Keep your blood glucose level close to normal  as possible
* Quite smoking
* Quit or reduce alcohol intake

*Stress therapy
*Testosterone injections
Some supplements have been found to be very helpful though they are quite expensive.