Monday 14 November 2022

2022 World Diabetes Day:

 The theme for this year UpTo 2023 is ACCESS TO DIABETES CARE.

We keep raising our voices and keep calling on policy makers and the government to give non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes the attention it deserve.

Access to medication is hard especially in this biting economy. If appropriate policies are translated from paper work to implementation, the burden of diabetes especially for  those who are insulin dependant if not total lifted, will be a tremendous relief.

According to WHO's recent analysis; Approximately 6% of the world’s population ─ more than 420 million people ─ live with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. This number has quadrupled since 1980 and is estimated to rise beyond half a billion by 2030. While premature mortality from other major noncommunicable diseases is decreasing, early deaths from diabetes have increased by 5% since 2000. More people are living with diabetes, and more people with diabetes are dying earlier than they would have if they had access to high quality, equitable care and treatment. 

It is our hope that while we await a cure, policy makers, government and other relevant stakeholders will prioritize access to quality diabetes care especially at such a challenging time as this.